- Plant height: 95 cm.
- Vegetative cycle:
- Sowing-flowering. 87 days
- Sowing-ripening: 140 days
- Resistance to Pyricularia: Good
- Resistance to Helminthosporium: High
- Lodging resistance: High
- Seedling vigour: High
- Branching capacity: Good
- Grain dimension: 6.4 x 3.0 mm., Long A, Sant’Andrea variety
- Amelosy: Low
- Seed rate per ha.:180/200 kg.
Technical recommendations:
- Registration is underway for variety, early growth cycle, fine rice Sant’Andrea variety
- Guarantees a high industrial output, with low percentage of imperfect grains
- Slow senescence during ripening, suitable for delayed sowing until 15 of May
- Fungicide treatment recommended